Yufan You

Results 268 comments of Yufan You

Sorry, I forgot to search for existing issues. But I think there should be a default length limit. Maybe I can try submitting a PR later.

Some more information: I met this issue four times in the last month. When I meet this issue, I need to long-press the power key to shutdown because even the...


I'm using Arch Linux. I installed `phonon-qt5-gstreamer` and fixed a similiar issue (I'm not sure if it was exactly the same as yours).

怎么 Markdown 里代码不加 ```` ``` ```` 啊

I think simply change "you shall star/+1/like the project(s)" to "you should star/+1/like the project(s)" is OK? By [RFC 2119](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119): > MUST This word, or the terms "REQUIRED" or "SHALL",...

We have many other plans now, and vim mode is not easy to implement. If there are more people asking for this, we may increase the priority.

@neko-para What do you think? I'm a little bit confused when thinking about the details.

I think this is good: 1. Dynamic key-value pairs, like the name of a snippet and the content of a snippet, is of the type "Configs" (or other names). Each...

> @ouuan Could you add shortcuts like crtrl+D to select next occurrence of the selected word. This is **REALLY NEEDED** to change something like datatypes form ll to int or...