This is working as intended, as this calculator is mainly for your own GBs. If you use the other one (calculator symbol and FPs), you should see the correct amounts....
what version do you use? what browser do you use? notes are stored locally in your browser. if you clear the website data, they are gone.
Ich weiß was gemeint ist, bin aber dagegen.
Und wenn das "alle" machen, geht der Server komplett in die Knie.
can you not move it? what do you mean by resetting? the box coordinates in the settings?
Manche Logos sind sehr beliebt, zB die mit dem Totenkopf, wofür es auch mehrere Farben gibt. Ich hab die Farben absichtlich anhand der Gilden-ID "berechnet", damit jede Gilde auf allen...
Do you check the log regularly? Unfortunately only the latest 200 actions are tracked in it, so really active guilds might fill that up quite quickly.
If we were to implement something like this we would need to set a definition of "sniping". Is sniping paying anything below 1.9?
I am not sure if this is possible. Every world has it's own URL and the settings are tied to that.
The count would only apply to what you track, so depending on what maps you open at what time, the count differs from one person to another. Are only the...