no JS errors apart from "Empty string passed to getElementById()." we have listers for sure that do not have a parent selected, but the add new is still there. Since...
I'd like to check in on this also - i'm running into a snag trying to assign the ID of the page that 'owns' the pagetable page because they are...
I'll check to see if it works with the module in question (FontAwesomePro) and that the method is called before any output, so that the scripts & styles can be...
No, the problem is not solved; GetExtraMarkup is not called in the _main.php or _head.php; There is no way for me to modify the contents of the $config->styles before they...
thanks, i'll take a look asap.
Sorry for the delay - i can look into this more. Do you happen to have a scenario that i could test with? I assume you are using a CKEditor...