
Results 6 issues of out.eth

Why not merge it and put add a configuration flag to toggle between continuous and discrete

Add `.solhintignore` file that looks like this: ``` External/ ``` Run solhint with: ``` npx hardhat check ``` Get the following output: ![Screenshot 2021-07-14 at 12 03 59](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37438950/125611920-034ce540-c327-4414-8591-ad3df9b15971.png) Expected everything...


The 18th trial shows a target of -1.826e+0. But at the bottom you can see that the actual target value is -182571.40432067157. It's wrong by several orders of magnitude. ![screenshot_952](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37438950/143647226-8e0e2325-c873-4b8d-ade4-445637a29d96.png)


In this line here: https://github.com/EthWorks/useDApp/blob/be1875b4f70523b79f8724ce57611fc470db2570/packages/core/src/hooks/useContractFunction.ts#L18 ```javascript if (library?.getSigner()) { return contract.connect(library.getSigner()) } ``` To make sure the `account` returned from `useEthers` is consistent with the signer, the account should be...

To reproduce: Test.sol ``` fallback() external payable { } ``` .solhint.json ``` { "extends": "solhint:recommended", "rules": { "func-visibility": ["warn", { "ignoreConstructors": true }], } } ``` output: ``` /Users/t/Test.sol 4:5...

On the goerli testnet, the nft endpoint is returning a token URI error even though the token URI is valid: ```javascript const { pageKey, ownedNfts } = await alchemy.nft.getNftsForOwner( "0xE70989f0A6b50E3c8Ef6Df57e994E99AA79EbD27",...

needs info