Oussama Bonnor
Oussama Bonnor
JetGram is an open source desktop app Telegram clone made with JavaFx.
Catcheep is an android game where you play as someone helping aliens to go back to their planet, the way to do so is by catching sheep that are concidered as their energy source, Made with Unity3D!
A "Missiles" game replica, 2D fun mobile game about avoiding missiles while flying a plane.
A "AA" game replica, 2D fun mobile game about shooting arrows.
A C# based game made with UNITY3D, Ball Fall is an addictive catch game. Keep your eyes open and your fingers ready.
A visual memory training game, a mobile game made with Xamarin for both Android and IOS .
A "Color Switch" game replica, 2D fun endless mobile game.
A "Cut the Rope" game replica, 2D fun mobile game about helping the frog get the candy.
FindTheLetter is an app that is designed to help kids to learn a language by giving them simple words to complete or images to guess their names. Currently it supports only elnglish.
litterature game made using javaFX and FXML, small collaboration, the game is about finding the missing letters from a word using different hints (an image, incomplete word..etc).