Oytun Ulutan
Oytun Ulutan
Thanks for your interest. I am aiming to release it by end of November or mid December. Currently I am very busy as I am finishing up my phd but...
Training code is available here: https://github.com/oulutan/ActorConditionedAttentionMaps I am still in the process of cleaning up. I will be making major updates next couple of days and will write a tutorial.
Training code has been available at the following link for the past 2 months. Please check it out here if you are interested: https://github.com/oulutan/ActorConditionedAttentionMaps
Also if anyone gets to this issue in the future, output is supposed to be on a loop. If nothing is visualizing or processing, then you probably had an error...
Hi Pawel, thanks for your interest. I havent tried running it on any other devices but you could try replacing I3D backbone with something smaller, use shorter/smaller input videos or...