Results 10 issues of ouija

Hi, Getting a build error when trying to compile my flutter application w/latest version of Xcode release: ``` Xcode's output: ↳ /Users/user/Development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot convert value of type '[UIApplication.OpenExternalURLOptionsKey :...

## Your Environment * flatpickr version used: 4.6.9 or greater * Browser name and version: Chrome Latest * OS and version: Windows 11 Wanted to report that as of **flatpickr...

**Describe the bug** This may or may not be a direct result of SickGear but rather may be a configuration issue or something else, but figured I'd pose the question...

Hey there, Curious if there is a way to utilize this app to send media (audio/video) to the TV via DLNA, similar to the YouTube example. That would be awesome!

Getting error today with accessing

Hi there, Thanks for providing such a great plugin! Can I make a suggestion/improvement for version 4 that the use of `` tags (for icons) be replaced to something more...


Hey, Did my monthly ` sherpa upgrade all` and got a `warn: 'Python3' modules check failed.`, which was caused by some missing python packages: ``` 3685 dbug: (LL) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3686...


I've found that when saving larger files via sshfs, I often run into issues where the file takes a really long time to save. This seems to occur when you...


Hey, I'm a relative newcomer to using this plugin _(and React in general, for that matter)_ but I noticed that when running a **production build** of my application that makes...

Hi there, Just realized that you [released an update]( a few years ago that allows you to use a regex when targeting data to parse, however, when I try to...