
Results 4 issues of Okay

You switched out two parameters the wrong way. https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes/blob/master/integrations/osgdb_physfs/ReaderWriterPhysFS.cpp#L90 `PHYSFS_read( handle, &(buffer[0]), filesize, 1 );` should be `1, filesize` (no joke) Other than that, the code was outstanding, small and...

I don't know how good form this is, but this is useful when A) obviously when you have your tar file in mem, B) useful when you have a inflated...

Is the precision truly 1:1? I ask because I get tiny discrepancies in my WebGL page. The waterline is jagged, and there are bumps where there shouldn't be any. Sorry...

When I try to install this library with npm i audio-play Then node-gyp rebuild gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable.