Otto Modinos

Results 6 issues of Otto Modinos

#### Describe the bug A 2-line right prompt gets clipped on the very edge of its first line. #### Screenshots ![exhibit1]( ![exhibit2]( #### Environment ```text fish version: 3.4.1 tide version:...

🐛 bug
🏞️ upstream

Lua 5.3 added bitwise operators (``, `&`, `|`, `~`). LuaJIT has the `bit` module. Fennel has the functions `lshift`, `rshift`, `band`, `bor`, `bxor`, `bnot`. By default, these compile to be...

Nothing too major, just some small things here and there. Trying to use some more idiomatic Python

Small updates for npm, cargo and github "repo stats".

This also pulls in some more changes as well, I could open a new PR for them if you prefer.

I don't have much experience with packaging and none with `Void Linux` packaging in particular, especially with a big project like Samba, so I'm not sure this is production ready...