I've also confirmed separately that the UmfpackLU solver works as expected on the same system matrix I'm trying to solve. So it really is when I give it to my...
Now that I have more time I'll share some of my code: Here I initialize my custom UMFPACKSymShiftInvert operation, as well as the default SparseMatProd for B defined by Spectra....
I did a little more investigating and came up with an inelegant bandaid fix. ``` OpType op(A, B, solver); BopType Bop(B); ``` It seems that the data stored in either...
What is the format of test_list.txt?
Thanks for both replying to me :) I seem to be missing a pretrained model, or checkpoint path... is this also the same as pixel2mesh? If you have time could...
Yeah i'd like an answer to this too. Specifically my code can take like 45 secs running in debug but less than 5 in release
You're right! It works! I didn't think to first pass it through imgui.GetKeyIndex()! Thank you :)
Which version of CMake are you running ? According to this https://cmake.org/cmake/help/git-stage/module/FetchContent.html That command was introduced in 3.11. Is it possible yours isn't up to date?