Tiziano Zito
Tiziano Zito
I am using the workaround of adding the fcc (in my case it is the INBOX) to mailboxes like this mailboxes ! This fixes the segfault.
I claim Volume 3, issue 1, Number 7 for [Detorakis 2017](https://github.com/ReScience/ReScience-submission/pull/35)
I claim volume 4, issue 1, Number 3 for [Senden Schuecker Hahne Diesmann Goebel 2018](https://github.com/ReScience/ReScience-submission/pull/46)
I claim Volume 6, Issue 1, Number 6 for https://github.com/ReScience/submissions/issues/32
Hi @ReScience/reviewers @ReScience/associate-editors @ReScience/editors ! You are all welcome to participate in reviewing the newly submitted editorial: https://github.com/rescience-c/reviews/issues/1 The editorial proposes some important changes to the submission/review/publication to the ReScience...
> left is debian jessie default, right is anaconda. The boxy overlay font > has its charme but the other fonts don’t have any anti-aliasing either > and look pretty...
... and yes, this is the issue (not fontconfig but truetype): https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/776
@keszybz : can you take note of this for the ASPP system this year? I think it is a fix worth doing…
> It should have been updated. What were the March changes (I don't remember). In any case, we should at least mention the challenge is close and the workshop postponed....
Also, the author's guidelines introduced on December 11 with 2e905278ad8aea1b08f240b892ff7d5714b6b9aa are not linked from http://rescience.github.io/ten-years/ ? But maybe I am not looking at the right page and the official challenge...