
Results 58 issues of oswinso

There's #689 which tries to tackle the problem of the flat plane assumption for image projection using traditional CV techniques. Then, of course, there will always be a deep neural...

type ➤ new feature
area ➤ neural network
level ➤ hard
type ➤ research

Now that we have a heightmap from #672, I think it would be interesting to play with using the height information when doing our projection. Unlike #665, which assumes that...

type ➤ new feature
area ➤ computer vision
level ➤ hard

Right now, it is basically impossible to tell what each rosbag contains, ie. ``` jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-23-06.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-52-58.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-55-01.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-56-59.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-02-02.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-04-00.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-15-28.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-20-24.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-22-32.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-16-46-30.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-28-55_0.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-35-40_0.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-36-59_1.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-38-15_2.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-39-35_3.bag ```...

type ➤ new feature
level ➤ easy
area ➤ misc

During competition, we experienced the problem of taking too much time to launch the entire stack. We should find a solution to this problem., either by writing our own CLI...

type ➤ structural
level ➤ hard

Related to, and hopefully doesn't conflict with #562 AC: alpha beta / LQR for motor control.

type ➤ new feature
level ➤ medium
New members 👍🏻

The styling for our `CMakeLists.txt` is very varied and there isn't a standard right now, ie. parenthesis on newline or same line, how many spaces etc. https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_navigation/CMakeLists.txt#L9-L38 https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_navigation/src/mapper/CMakeLists.txt#L2-L10 https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_platform/CMakeLists.txt#L106-L110 https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_platform/CMakeLists.txt#L150-L153...

type ➤ style
level ➤ medium
area ➤ CI

`tf` is "deprecated" according to the [ros wiki](http://wiki.ros.org/tf). Also, when we do migrate to ROS2, having all our code use `tf2` will mean one less thing to migrate.

type ➤ refactor

# Description We currently have no idea what values our MBED is sending to the motors, which is kind of scary, and hard to debug controls problems. This PR does...

type ➤ new feature
level ➤ easy
area ➤ firmware

There's currently 0 documentation for what the different parameters for `LidarLayer` and `LineLayer` do. AC: Documentation for each of the parameters for `LidarLayer` and `LineLayer` in the yaml.

area ➤ mapping
level ➤ medium
type ➤ documentation

I'm getting some errors about `cnn.py` not conforming to PEP8 standards, ie. ```python transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]) class SegmentationModel(object): # PEP8: expected 2 blank lines, found 1 ``` Let's...

type ➤ style