Neural Network approximation of nonlinear birds eye view perspective warping with height information
There's #689 which tries to tackle the problem of the flat plane assumption for image projection using traditional CV techniques. Then, of course, there will always be a deep neural...
Now that we have a heightmap from #672, I think it would be interesting to play with using the height information when doing our projection. Unlike #665, which assumes that...
Right now, it is basically impossible to tell what each rosbag contains, ie. ``` jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-23-06.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-52-58.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-55-01.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-14-56-59.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-02-02.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-04-00.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-15-28.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-20-24.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-15-22-32.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-16-46-30.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-28-55_0.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-35-40_0.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-36-59_1.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-38-15_2.bag jessii_JOHNSCREEK_2020-02-22-17-39-35_3.bag ```...
During competition, we experienced the problem of taking too much time to launch the entire stack. We should find a solution to this problem., either by writing our own CLI...
Related to, and hopefully doesn't conflict with #562 AC: alpha beta / LQR for motor control.
The styling for our `CMakeLists.txt` is very varied and there isn't a standard right now, ie. parenthesis on newline or same line, how many spaces etc. https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_navigation/CMakeLists.txt#L9-L38 https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_navigation/src/mapper/CMakeLists.txt#L2-L10 https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_platform/CMakeLists.txt#L106-L110 https://github.com/RoboJackets/igvc-software/blob/ac53f57ffd426bfbdb1252c44555f3ea77d9b276/igvc_platform/CMakeLists.txt#L150-L153...
`tf` is "deprecated" according to the [ros wiki](http://wiki.ros.org/tf). Also, when we do migrate to ROS2, having all our code use `tf2` will mean one less thing to migrate.
# Description We currently have no idea what values our MBED is sending to the motors, which is kind of scary, and hard to debug controls problems. This PR does...
There's currently 0 documentation for what the different parameters for `LidarLayer` and `LineLayer` do. AC: Documentation for each of the parameters for `LidarLayer` and `LineLayer` in the yaml.
I'm getting some errors about `cnn.py` not conforming to PEP8 standards, ie. ```python transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]) class SegmentationModel(object): # PEP8: expected 2 blank lines, found 1 ``` Let's...