Ada Cohen
Ada Cohen
In order to support the `@safe` and `@escape` helpers, eco adds these to the context object, which can make for confusing bugs. Here's a very simplified version of where I...
Seems to me that cache misses are a potential bottleneck with these lookup tables. You should be able to do a single lookup table, and then do a fairly simple...
To support older browsers (which don't allow data URIs to be used this way), and browsers with JS disabled, sixpack should be able to generate a CSS file that points...
This code sends a 405 on timeout: ``` timeout = setTimeout(function() { httpRequest.abort(); defer.reject(new Response(405, {}, 'timeout exceeded')); }, request.timeout); ``` 405 is "Method Not Allowed". Pretty sure this is...
A gaussian blur is an obvious addition for a library like this. A really easy (although far from the most efficient) implementation is just two iterations of a triangle blur.
It seems like name collisions are already a problem for existing mixins, and I feel like this problem can only get worse over time. I propose that it would be...