Results 18 comments of Adrian Goins

There's definitely a disconnect between "go run this on your own environment" and "it only works on localhost." I've found the `xid` generator, but I'm not able to detangle how...

Hi. I work for Rancher and would like to help with this. I tried to just install k3s on a PWK node today and ran into selinux errors. I ended...

``` yum install -y curl which curl -sfL | sh - ``` this will fail with instructions to install an selinux component because it can't install `k3s` into `/usr/local/bin`:...

Hi, @marcosnils. Have you had an opportunity to look into my last comment? Is there anything I can do to help, either with resolving that selinux issue or with helping...

Hi! Nice to hear from you - I've been eagerly waiting. The SELinux check doesn't run on Ubuntu - the script is smart enough to figure that part out. The...

@marcosnils my next training class is on Thursday, and I'd like to bring people back to the labs environment to work with K3s. do you have any update on the...

The first option might work. We don't need a permanent installation, so just having people run a `` that fires it up might be the easiest lift. How would I...

yep...this worked: ``` curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_SELINUX_WARN=true sh -s - --docker # ignore the error k3s server --docker > /var/log/k3s.log 2>&1 & export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml kubectl get po -n kube-system...

i have a local change that should fix this, but i'm unable to test it without building a new zabbix system for testing. how can i replicate your CI environment?...

For anyone running HAProxy instead of nginx, add this to the corresponding `frontend` or `backend` or `listen` section: ``` reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ (/homeassistant/.*) \1\ /admin/\2 ``` (If you are using...