
Results 16 issues of Ezio

When I build lastest folly, I face the error below, how to get FBBuildOptions and fb_activate_static_library_option ? ``` $ ./folly/build/build-debs-ubuntu-18.04.sh + set -e + BUILD_DIR=_build + BOOST_VERSION=1.65.1 + LIBEVENT_VERSION=2.0-5 +...

``` \begin{lstlisting} f, err := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err != nil { return err } ``` 此处 os.Open 的参数应该只有一个


https://github.com/kendryte/kendryte-freertos-sdk/blob/45a5b641a8456b9d3623435946a92c6c2503d228/lib/bsp/crt.S#L398 rv64d 的浮点寄存器应该是64bit,flw 只是保存了低32bit,那么高32bit呢?

The way to reproduce error and the error is show below: ``` cargo run --release -p linux-loader /bin/busybox ls Compiling kernel-hal-unix v0.1.0 (/home/vimer/project/os/zCore/kernel-hal-unix) Compiling linux-loader v0.1.0 (/home/vimer/project/os/zCore/linux-loader) Finished release [optimized]...

![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4536559/10667795/d8a1ab78-790b-11e5-96fa-414f3f691d74.png) And I cannot find 23.0.0 rc2. How to solve this problem ? Or update version of the sdk?

how to remove error message "^ Item in dispute, additional discussion and context to be provided."


how to compile everpad with source code?

如题,增加一个按钮和输入框,选题时在输入框输入文章日期,然后点击按钮,自动将解析好的md文章保存为md文件下载下来,文件名就是输入框中的日期加文章的大标题。 后续我直接一次git push传全部文章到repo。

example:https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/set-open-source-strategy/ 现在处理出来的表格有问题