Hello, ldaps seems ok a quick test: `docker run --rm -h ldap.example.org -it osixia/openldap bash` -h ldap.example.org so the certificate generated has this cn. in the container: `ldapsearch -x -H...
Let's see if people upvote this :)
Hi, can you provide a docker-compose example that failed ? It's look like the value of the environment variable must be escaped. Sorry I'm not familiar with docker-compose i use...
Hello, all my containers are designed to be run on different hosts and it seems that you can't link 2 containers on different hosts. That's why it's not implemented. But...
Pull request welcome to add overlay slapo-pw-sha2 :)
Hello, yes sure :) I made a test a few months ago with linux alpine on feature-linux-alpine branch but I'm not very familiar with alpine so i didn't release that....
I just release a beta version of osixia/alpine-light-baseimage feel free to test it :) ``` docker pull osixia/alpine-light-baseimage ``` Source code in branch: [feature-linux-alpine](https://github.com/osixia/docker-light-baseimage/tree/feature-linux-alpine) Images size : osixia/alpine-light-baseimage: 44.88 MB...
Hello, indeed only the 2 root nodes are backup for now, it would be great to backup all nodes i'm agree. Can you make a pull request ?
Did you found any workaround ?