Osman Shoukry
Osman Shoukry
I am not a fan of boolean parameters that change behavior in general. I can see the simplicity in how it looks though.
David, Do you know the tests that stopped working on the build machine? Any chance someone is passing some parameter to your build that is causing OpenPojo to not run?...
Can you please provide the code snippet for your tests?
According to the JavaBean spec boolean fields are only allowed an "is" or "get". if I add has, was, should, must and other assertive keywords for getters it would not...
There has been something similar I've been thinking about - but haven't had time to implement yet which is getRandomValueWithCriteria, allowing you to specify the valid range for an Integer,...
Testing in maven happens pre-packaging, so no .jar would be created for testing, however if you add a .jar to your dependencies, you can run tests against the classes in...
@zygimantus Have you tried to test the abstract class itself?
@jyotsnapa Can you please send an example demonstrating the issue? Also do you have ASM in your dependancies? ```xml org.ow2.asm asm 5.2 ```
Thank you for your interest in OpenPojo. The validator shouldn't see any filtered classes as they get filtered out first. Can you please attach a sample failing code?