I'm working on a project that requires GAMs. I'm more than willing to implement this myself, as long as it fits in with the Smile road map. One other caveat...
### Prerequisites - [x] make sure you're are using the latest version by `rush -V` ``` rush v0.5.0 Checking new version... You are using the latest version of rush ```...
This is an amazing idea, so excellent work! However only packaging for Windows is painful for linux / mac users. Is there anyway this could at least be easily dockerized?...
Currently prompts can only be static. Adding syntax that would evaluate an elisp statement / shell commands would allow dynamic prompting. ### Potential Use Cases #### Data extraction from local...
With org-mode source blocks in org-mode buffers, the content of the source block must be escaped, otherwise it breaks parsing. For example ```org * Non block heading // This gets...
When settings the fringe variables, the source frindge displays correctly, however the transclusion fringe does not. ```emacs-lisp (custom-set-faces! '(org-transclusion-fringe :forground "#ebf6fa" :background "#ebf6fa")) (custom-set-faces! '(org-transclusion-source-fringe :forground "#ebf6fa" :background "#ebf6fa")) ```...
Fixes #252
### What happened? With a prompt, such as `improve_security_policy` ```markdown # IDENTITY and PURPOSE You are an expert in cybersecurity standards and policies. You specialize in creating clear, well written...