Oshan Wisumperuma

Results 20 comments of Oshan Wisumperuma

how about if `pipenv` exists, then just skip putting `requirements.txt` file and install requirements through `pipenv`. which will eventually define those in `Pipfile` `pipenv install --dev 'packageA

great!! everything is working fine. however, I notice that `pipenv` dependency installation is somewhat slow. maybe that's how it is. ``` $ pipenv --python 3.6 $ pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/nephila/djangocms-installer.git@feature/pipenv#egg=djangocms-installer...

yes, that's true. let's close this ticket. Thanks :)

just saw this news and looked for the erlang support. I don't know how useful this feature will be to the erlang/elixir eco-system. **Linux 5.15 I/O Can Achieve Up To...

@Stratus3D would it be feasible to see any of the current progress from kerl? some stdout redirection. because my machine also get stuck after few minutes and i can't figure...

> ``` > /run/user/*/containers/cni/dnsname/*/* rw, > ``` Thanks, @savoiringfaire. I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, and after an os update, I got this error. ```bash ERRO[0000] error loading cached network config: network...

https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn/issues/1054 seems that issue also is also about the same problem

https://github.com/kerl/kerl/blob/3a3f96f7a3067ec4bbf0f3937604750a311b74e3/kerl#L472 suse doesn't have a `openssl-devel` package. it is named as `libopenssl-devel` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5364479/125797621-3cd43c4a-eec9-4935-a1f4-30a1c26508ce.png)