
Results 38 comments of osfanbuff63

I must have not said - I'm working on this issue, but it's in backlog for me atm, so it could be a bit.

On modern versions of windows, you have the `winget` package manager per-installed (or obtainable from the MS Store) which would make auto-update one command jsut like on Linux. So it...

> > https://github.blog/changelog/2022-04-25-git-io-deprecation/ > > you also seem to forgot to put the original link back Thanks :P, it's there now

I assume not, since this only would work with GitHub Actions (unless built manually and modified...?)

Maybe a Minecraft grass block style icon? I wouldn't be able to do it, but just had an idea :P

> Btw, your solution give me an idea, that is maybe simple for you to implement: allow datapackers to add gitignore-like files in their projects that automatically exclude all the...

```gitignore .vscode !.vscode/.spyglass-ignore ``` would probably work, but would you really need it in the final product? Mostly, I'd just distribute to the developers, unless you are meant to edit...

> Actually, by the time this is a thing this should IMO be built with [Quilt](https://quiltmc.org/); an equivalent project that is better practically (tooling, design, management) & ethically (fabric having...

> @osfanbuff63 Quilt when reaching full release will have full support for Fabric mods. The point of [eventually] porting the mod is to support & utilize the more healthy ecosystem....

With GitHub Actions builds in Pages now, this works if you deploy using an actions workflow (e.g. the Jekyll template workflow).