Olivier Sechet
Olivier Sechet
It could be nice to have some basic refactoring commands such as: - Extract local variable - Extract function - Rename
It would be nice to have an option to generate ccpcheck reports as an xml file. When calling cppcheck, using the `--xml --output-file=` arguments forces cppcheck to output its report...
The default background color, text color and selection bar color should be set using the default-theme's values (as it is done with `paper-toolbar`): `--default-primary-color`, `--text-primary-color`, `--accent-color`. The same should be...
Hi! I'm trying to use the `send_interrupt` option on Linux but cannot make it work. Here is my config file: ``` root = "." tmp_dir = "tmp" [build] args_bin =...
* **I'm submitting a ...** [ ] bug report [x] feature request [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository * **What is the current behavior?** When closing...
Hello, I'm trying to test successive queries that use JWT. The first query generate a token that must be passed as an "Authorization: Bearer" to the following queries. Here is...
Hello, When using the `additionalVersions` parameter of the _python_ feature, would it be possible to register all the installed versions with [update-alternatives](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/update-alternatives.1.html)? It would make it easier to switch from...