Oscar Key
Oscar Key
Here are the logs from `.dvc/tmp/exps/celery/dvc-exp-worker-1.out`: [dvc-exp-worker-1.out.txt](https://github.com/iterative/dvc/files/9433199/dvc-exp-worker-1.out.txt) The start of the stack trace is ``` [2022-08-25 22:07:00,267: ERROR/MainProcess] Task dvc.repo.experiments.queue.tasks.run_exp[1a24d875-b564-4027-9aae-7569622614cc] raised unexpected: TypeError("open() missing required argument 'flags' (pos 2)") Traceback...
Hey Joel, I reckon you might be better off using a library like https://github.com/fengyuanchen/cropperjs which looks like it's more recently updated and has more features.
Feel free to submit a pull request if you work it out. I also remembered this, maybe it will help: https://github.com/oscarkey/cropper.js/pull/6