The flag -march=native is not present in clang, which required me to specify `-DSIMD_WIDTH=64`. When I do so I get this error: ``` src/stim/circuit/circuit.cc:81:6: error: SSE2 register return with SSE2...
I believe `search_for_undetectable_logical_errors` also only supports 64 observables, so adding support there as well would also be very useful.
Edit docs and example notebooks for v2 release
I get the following warning when compiling stim: ``` src/stim/diagram/gate_data_3d_texture_data.h:2:5: warning: string literal of length 85850 exceeds maximum length 65536 that C++ compilers are required to support [-Woverlength-strings] "data:image/png;base64," ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...
For #67
Would be nice to add manylinux aarch64 builds to the CI (e.g. for raspberry pi support). E.g. `cp3x-manylinux_aarch64` [builds](https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/options/#build-selection). With cibuildwheel this currently requires [emulation](https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq/#emulation) e.g. using qemu, however this...
The MWPM decoding problem is called a minimum-weight T-join in the graph theory/ combinatorial optimisation literature (the set T is the set of detection events). Therefore pymatching is an implementation...
E.g. could add `Matching.shortest_path`, `Matching.shortest_path_length`, `Matching.shortest_path_weight`, `Matching.shortest_path_fault_ids`, for finding shortest paths between pairs of nodes in the graph, to the python API.