Osvaldo Santana Neto

Results 12 comments of Osvaldo Santana Neto

Looks promising but I think we need to make a significant refactoring on the current implementation to split the responsibility of: 1. file configuration discovery 2. configuration loading 3. configuration...

> I'm planning to do this refactoring for a long time... I started this twice and give up on the process because I'm not finding a good way to implement...

> Hey @osantana, it wasn't my intention to throw this task at you, but to discuss this idea instead. > I would say it makes more sense for this changes...

When I created `prettyconf` (and even today) I did it to use with Heroku PaaS. The database connection info provided by them is in `DATABASE_URL` env var. In the code...

> This PR does not involve any changes in the code. The idea here was to suggest good practices in the docs. You would still have the flexibility to follow...

hmm... I'm not sure that I like this behavior. I think that `cast` is a helper feature that needs to be used carefully and for this purpose, I think that...

> I think that the zen of python its a description of the ideas that formed the language, > in the case of "explicit vs implicit" we are talking about...

reimplemented a simpler registration structure

Create a "docs" folder with sphinx-build and create documentation for: * Basic tutorial with some client APIs basic usage (eg. SIGEP, SRO, etc) * Basic tutorial for Posting List /...

> How should the requested examples be written? More specifically, where? Small script in "samples" directory to shipping cost calculation, shipping labels PDF generation, ~tracking code request~, object tracking, etc....