Orrin Witt
Orrin Witt
Update: This must be a platformio issue. I tried using the marlin firmware updater plugin for Octoprint on my Rpi, and it threw the same error. Still not sure what...
and after installing the "99-platformio-udev.rules" as instructed via the link above, I tried again and still got this: ``` Processing DUE_archim (board: marlin_archim; platform: atmelsam; framework: arduino) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verbose mode...
I know this issue is closed, but I'm not sure how to do that... And I'm still getting this error no matter what I do. Even with different computers.
Can I please get some help with this?? I've completely exhausted everything I know to do, including starting from scratch with a new firmware build (freshly unzipped). I have learned...