Or Perel
Or Perel
Hi @Hippogriff , do you have a code snippet that reproduces this error?
Hi @barikata1984 ! Sorry for the delayed reply here - I suspect this is due to a configuration change (we set "high quality" as the new default): https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/kaolin-wisp/commit/99639ae60de4d1c6f4f721e3b6d1004e258afa5b#diff-0e84d1aed551f592a75f92bacc6eed1545bdaeb03042d1fb2f6aa17343e5db8bR46 Can you...
1. Are you connected to a display? 2. Is `cuda-python` installed properly? 3. You can also bypass GL texture registration by pulling this PR: https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/kaolin-wisp/pull/118 There is a workaround in...
I think I've spotted the issue, it looks like a bug on the glumpy side - binding `Program` with a `VertexArray` triggers an incorrect glBind here: https://github.com/glumpy/glumpy/blob/master/glumpy/gloo/variable.py#L442 ```self.data``` is a...
Alternative solution - GL 3.0+ requires some VAO to be bound: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30057286/how-to-use-vbos-without-vaos-with-opengl-core-profile Calling this once before the first program draw seems to suffice: ```python vao_handle = gl.glGenVertexArrays(1) gl.glBindVertexArray(vao_handle) ``` May...