Jamieson O'Reilly

Results 15 comments of Jamieson O'Reilly

Thanks @kristianstarkloffjedox will look into it!

Is the issue only with Facebook or have you tried this against other account as well (Dropbox, Slack etc)?

Agreed :dancers: I'm currently in the progress of implementing cookie extraction - On top of this, I'm going to also create a script for scenarios in which your perspective is...

`Facebook` + `Twitter` already implemented. - Added `LinkedIN` - Who uses Tumlr? :laughing:

Thanks, will add these regexp's

@drk1wi @GregorioSecurity @johnnash999 Definitely still an issue. I get the password fine but not the user ID or any other info (and client-side browser see's the same Google cookie clearing...

> @putterpanda So you are getting the username and password but not the user id or cookie? No, I am only getting the password. Using latest version. No Golang issues...

Hey @GregorioSecurity Have used both UUID's and without, with -debug flag with no luck. I'll keep debugging locally but for what it's worth - @drk1wi I have included my `google.log`.

Slowly starting to piece it together: 1. Attempted to login without going via Modlishka, it appears my Gsuite account was requesting recovery e-mail verification : `https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/kpe?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&ss=1&scc=1&ltmpl=default&ltmplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin&cid=4&navigationDirection=forward&TL=APDPHBCAEKsQsha-sLLVr1OQ1pEEKkqUUl6JngSxUuQEK4q1nJf5xmux-zMco0cr` Which according to my...

> Have you tried running in incognito mode? I only run in incognito.