node-mongodb icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-mongodb copied to clipboard

needs scons

Open davidascher opened this issue 14 years ago • 2 comments

probably want to update the readme:

sleet:node-mongodb davida$ ./ Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/davida/src/node-mongodb/mongo-c-driver/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 713, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (291/291), done. remote: Total 713 (delta 467), reused 630 (delta 414) Receiving objects: 100% (713/713), 101.38 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (467/467), done. Current branch master is up to date. ./ line 11: scons: command not found sleet:node-mongodb davida$

davidascher avatar Oct 13 '10 14:10 davidascher

Urgh, thanks for pointing this out. Nevermind why it's necessary to use scons to build and link 4 C files...

orlandov avatar Oct 13 '10 16:10 orlandov

install scons through synaptic package manager

pradeepthundiyil avatar Nov 11 '10 12:11 pradeepthundiyil