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mongodb bindings for node.js


node-mongodb - An asynchronous Node interface to MongoDB


var sys     = require("sys");
var mongodb = require("../lib/mongodb");

var mongo = new mongodb.MongoDB();

mongo.addListener("close", function () {
	sys.puts("Closing connection!");

mongo.addListener("connection", function () {
	var widgets = mongo.getCollection('widgets');

	mongo.getCollections(function (collections) {
		sys.puts("the collections in the db are " + JSON.stringify(collections));

	// remove widgets with shazbot > 0
	widgets.remove({ shazbot: { "$gt": 0 } });

	// actually, just remove all widgets

	widgets.count(null, function(count) {
		widgets.insert({ foo: 1,    shazbot: 1 });
		widgets.insert({ bar: "a",  shazbot: 2 });
		widgets.insert({ baz: 42.5, shazbot: 0 });

		// count all the widgets
		widgets.count(null, function (count) {
			sys.puts("there are " + count + " widgets");

		// count widgets with shazbot > 0
		widgets.count({ shazbot: { "$gt": 0 } }, function (count) {
			sys.puts(count + " widget shazbots are > 0");

		// count shazbots less than or equal to 1
		widgets.count({ shazbot: { "$lte": 1 } }, function (count) {
			sys.puts(2 == count);

		// return all widgets
		widgets.find(null, null, function (results) {
			// ...

		// return widgets with shazbot > 0
		widgets.find({ shazbot: { "$gt": 0 } }, null, function (results) {
			// ...

		// return only the shazbot field of every widget
		widgets.find({}, { "shazbot": true }, function (results) {
			// update shazbot of first document with shazbot 0 to 420
			widgets.update({ shazbot: 0 }, { shazbot: 420 });

			widgets.find(null, null, function (results) {
				results.forEach(function(r) {
					// ...

				// close the connection

	hostname: '',
	port: 27017,
	db: 'mylittledb'


This is an attempt at MongoDB bindings for Node. The important thing here is to ensure that we never let ourselves or any libraries block on IO. As such, I've tried to do my best to make sure that connect() and recv() never block, but there may be bugs. The MongoDB C drivers are used to interface with the database, but some core functions needed to be rewritten to operate in a non-blocking manner.


  • Make sure you have git installed.
  • ./
  • node-waf configure build
  • ./


This package is EXPERIMENTAL, with emphasis on MENTAL. I am working on this in my spare time to learn the Node, v8 and MongoDB API's.

The error handling in this extension needs to be improved substantially. Be warned.

I would appreciate any and all patches, suggestions and constructive criticisms.


  • ryah's Node postgres driver was the foundation for this extension
  • MongoDB C drivers
  • The people in #node.js and #mongodb on freenode for answering my questions




Orlando Vazquez ([email protected])