@niconoe- thanks, I added your case. Yeah, I know where to find the new features, but creating every repro, thinking of impact on Psalm would take me a long time....
Thanks @simPod!
Could you provide a snippet please?
Yeah, explaining to Psalm that mapping `$x::class` values with specific literals will make `$x` type change is possibly non-trivial, though it works with conditionals: https://psalm.dev/r/ae73672517 Could you create a new...
...except we can't run that on PHP 7.1. I'll try to fix that another way. The core issue seems to come from phpstan/phpdoc-parser in version 1.7. We could pin the...
Ugh, I hate this thing so much I made a plugin to forbid this: https://github.com/orklah/psalm-strict-visibility But I guess it's a valid issue still
`@psalm-assert-exact` could probably be inferred through the use of both `assert-if-true` and `assert-if-false` (but it's broken right now). It's broken because Psalm already assumes that `assert-if-true` can be negated: https://psalm.dev/r/8d38a5bd94...
Note that assertions are not made to alter $result. $result is altered only by return types (that can be conditional). This issue makes us consider generating a conditional return based...
If I get this right, you can either use composer to install the tool OR use an extension in PHP, correct? So yeah, when you use the extension, the classes...