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[Help wanted] Listing PHP 8.1 features
The first release candidate for PHP 8.1 is out now and the feature freeze is past, We may start looking at the new features and ensuring they're implemented in Psalm. Some were already implemented by Matt but not all.
This thread will regroup every new feature to come and what impact it will have on Psalm.
PHP release notes can be found here:
If you want to help, please respond here with the feature name, a small reproducer of the feature(and the impact it must have on Psalm analysis). For example:
- [x] array_is_list type inference:
- [x] array_is_list impossible type:
- [x] readonly keyword:
- [x] string key array unpacking support:
Callmap/stub changes
- [x] array_is_list function : -> fixed: #6398
- [ ] #6401
- [x] #6402
- [x] #6403
- [x] #6404
- [x] #6405
- [x] #6406
- [x] #6407
- [x] #6408
- [x] #6414
- [x] #6415
- [x] #6416
- [x] #6417
- [x] #6418
- [x] #6422
- [x] #6731
Parser changes
- [x] #6410
- [x] #6412
- [x] #6413
- [x] #7668
Enum support
- [x] #6425
I'll update this post with new items as well as progress
I found these snippets:
Psalm output (using commit a655ca8):
ERROR: UndefinedFunction - 3:1 - Function array_is_list does not exist
$a = [];
if(array_is_list($a)) {
/** @psalm-trace $a */
//$a should be `list<mixed>` here
Psalm output (using commit a655ca8):
ERROR: UndefinedFunction - 4:4 - Function array_is_list does not exist
INFO: Trace - 6:0 - $a: array<array-key, mixed>
$a = ['a' => 5];
if(array_is_list($a)) { //Psalm should emit an issue because the types don't match
Psalm output (using commit a655ca8):
ERROR: UndefinedFunction - 4:4 - Function array_is_list does not exist
I'm thinking about managing readonly
in promoted constructors:
I'm using this blog to have a list of new features and deprecated stuff in PHP 8.1. You could probably extract a list from this, as it regroups a lot.
I found these snippets:
class TheReadonlyFeature
public function __construct(
public readonly string $bar
) {}
new TheReadonlyFeature('string');
Psalm output (using commit a655ca8):
ERROR: ParseError - 6:25 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE on line 6
ERROR: TooManyArguments - 10:1 - Too many arguments for TheReadonlyFeature::__construct - expecting 0 but saw 1
ERROR: InvalidDocblock - 6:9 - Param1 of TheReadonlyFeature::__construct has invalid syntax
@niconoe- thanks, I added your case. Yeah, I know where to find the new features, but creating every repro, thinking of impact on Psalm would take me a long time. It's a good opportunity to make the community participate, even when they lack technical insight of Psalm.
Ideally, I'll then create issues for the simpler cases with an explanation how to do it and encourage people to try and implement the feature
Array unpacking with string keys should be supported and new array type inferred
I found these snippets:
$x = [
"a" => 0,
...["a" => 1],
...["b" => 2]
/** @psalm-trace $x */
// $x should be ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2] as `a` is overwritten and `b` added.
Psalm output (using commit a655ca8):
ERROR: DuplicateArrayKey - 5:8 - String keys are not supported in unpacked arrays
ERROR: DuplicateArrayKey - 6:8 - String keys are not supported in unpacked arrays
INFO: Trace - 10:74 - $x: array{a: 0}
INFO: UnusedVariable - 3:1 - $x is never referenced or the value is not used
Thanks @simPod!
can you tag this with "help wanted" and pin the issue?
Done. I also added milestone that we can assign to issues / PRs.
With Enum:
- Already used case:
- Already used value for several cases:
- Only
are allowed types as enum values: - Implement callmap
: -
are objects: - Enum's reflection and automatically defined stuff:
- New function
: - Attributes are allowed on Enums and TARGET_CLASS also references Enums (I don't know how to explain this with a snippet)
I think that's already something 😄
[@weirdan] Split into a separate ticket here:
I found these snippets:
enum Status {
case Foo;
case Bar;
case Bar;
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: ParseError - 3:6 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 3
enum Status: string
case Foo = 'foo';
case Bar = 'bar';
case Baz = 'bar';
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: ParseError - 3:6 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 3
ERROR: ParseError - 5:5 - Syntax error, unexpected T_CASE on line 5
enum Status: array
case IsEmpty = [];
case IsNotEmpty = ['foo'];
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: ParseError - 3:6 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 3
ERROR: ParseError - 4:1 - Syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting '(' on line 4
ERROR: ParseError - 6:5 - Syntax error, unexpected T_CASE on line 6
ERROR: UndefinedConstant - 3:1 - Const enum is not defined
ERROR: UndefinedConstant - 5:10 - Const IsEmpty is not defined
ERROR: UndefinedConstant - 6:10 - Const IsNotEmpty is not defined
enum Status: int
case FOO = 1;
case BAR = 2;
// Returns Status::FOO
// Throw ValueError Exception
// Retunrs null
// Returns [Status::FOO, Status::BAR]
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: ParseError - 3:6 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 3
ERROR: ParseError - 5:5 - Syntax error, unexpected T_CASE on line 5
enum Status: int
case FOO = 1;
case BAR = 2;
$statusA = Status::FOO;
$statusB = Status::FOO;
$statusC = Status::BAR;
$statusA === $statusB; // true
$statusA === $statusC; // false
$statusC instanceof Status; // true
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: ParseError - 3:6 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 3
ERROR: ParseError - 5:5 - Syntax error, unexpected T_CASE on line 5
enum Status: int
case FOO;
case BAR = 42;
$reflectedEnum = new ReflectionEnum(Status::class);
$reflectedEnum->hasCase('FOO'); //returns true
$reflectedEnum->hasCase('BAZ'); //returns false
$reflectedEnum->getCases(); //returns array<ReflectionEnumPureCase|ReflectionEnumBackedCase>
$reflectedEnum->getCase('FOO'); //returns ReflectionEnumPureCase
$reflectedEnum->getCase('BAR'); //returns ReflectionEnumBackedCase
$reflectedEnum->getCase('BAZ'); //throws ReflectionException
$reflectedEnum->isBacked('FOO'); //returns false
$reflectedEnum->isBacked('BAR'); //returns true
$reflectedEnum->isBacked('BAZ'); //Unknown behavior? returns false or throw ReflectionException? RFC don't say.
$reflectedEnum->getBackingType('FOO'); //returns null
$reflectedEnum->getBackingType('BAR'); //returns ReflectionType<int|string> (in this example, ReflectionType<int>)
$reflectedEnum->getBackingType('BAZ'); //Unknown behavior? returns null or throw ReflectionException? RFC don't say.
// Also exists:
$reflectedUnitEnum = new ReflectionEnumUnitCase(Status::FOO);
$reflectedUnitEnum->getValue(); //returns Status::FOO
$reflectedUnitEnum->getEnum(); //returns ReflectionEnum<Status>
$reflectedBackedEnum = new ReflectionEnumBackedCase (Status::BAR);
$reflectedBackedEnum->getValue(); //returns Status::BAR
$reflectedBackedEnum->getEnum(); //returns ReflectionEnum<Status>
$reflectedBackedEnum->getBackingValue(); //returns int|string (in this example, 42)
// Also possible:
$foo = Status::FOO;
$bar = Status::BAR;
$foo->name === 'FOO'; // Automatically defined readonly property.
$bar->name === 'BAR'; // Automatically defined readonly property.
// Finally:
enum_exists(Status::FOO); //returns true
enum_exists(Status::BAZ); //returns false
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: ParseError - 3:6 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 3
ERROR: ParseError - 5:5 - Syntax error, unexpected T_CASE on line 5
enum Status: int
case FOO;
case BAR = 42;
enum_exists(Status::FOO); //returns true
enum_exists(Status::BAZ); //returns false
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: ParseError - 3:6 - Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 3
ERROR: ParseError - 5:5 - Syntax error, unexpected T_CASE on line 5
Enum are objects
Can you elaborate? It seems Psalm already knows that:
I found these snippets:
enum Status: int
case FOO = 1;
case BAR = 2;
$statusC = Status::BAR;
if ($statusC instanceof Status) {}
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: RedundantCondition - 12:5 - Type enum(Status::BAR) for $statusC is always Status
Enum are objects
Can you elaborate? It seems Psalm already knows that:
Sorry, I didn't know I could test against PHP 8.1 using the GET parameter, I was tesing on PHP 8.0 (or default version). You can remove this then, as it's already implemented.
I found these snippets:
enum Status: int
case FOO = 1;
case BAR = 2;
$statusC = Status::BAR;
if ($statusC instanceof Status) {}
Psalm output (using commit 916b098):
ERROR: RedundantCondition - 12:5 - Type enum(Status::BAR) for $statusC is always Status
Overriding final class constants should return error
I found these snippets:
class A
final const BAR = 'BAZ';
class B extends A {
const BAR = 'BUZZ';
Psalm output (using commit f35df42):
INFO: UnusedClass - 8:7 - Class B is never used
In PHP 8.1 there are now deprecation notices when extending a class without specifying its types.
class Foo implements Iterator {
public function current() {
return 'foo';
public function next() {}
public function key() {}
public function valid() {
return true;
public function rewind() {}
Deprecated: Return type of Foo::current() should either be compatible with Iterator::current(): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /in/To1Ym on line 6
Deprecated: Return type of Foo::next() should either be compatible with Iterator::next(): void, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /in/To1Ym on line 10
<... more ...>
I've created a branch to add a lot of these return types:
I think some extra care will be needed when scanning in PHP < 8.1 so that we don't force implementers to use those types (especially where they're not supported, like mixed
Those things that are merged already (outlined in OP), are already available when setting phpVersion="8.1"
@kkmuffme yes. Some may be available in master only though, but most are already a part of some release.
Match statements seem to be partially supported, only. In a switch statement, if I switch on the type of an object, psalm understands it has that type in the case blocks. For a match statement, it does not.
Could you provide a snippet please?
Actually, both have issues:
class Foo
function eg1(): bool { return false; }
class Bar
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
class Baz
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
function f(Foo|Bar|Baz $x): bool
switch ($x::class) {
case Foo::class:
return $x->eg1();
case Bar::class:
case Baz::class:
return $x->eg2();
class Foo
function eg1(): bool { return false; }
class Bar
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
class Baz
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
function f(Foo|Bar|Baz $x): bool
return match ($x::class) {
Foo::class => $x->eg1(),
Bar::class, Baz::class => $x->eg2(),
I found these snippets:
class Foo
function eg1(): bool { return false; }
class Bar
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
class Baz
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
function f(Foo|Bar|Baz $x): bool
switch ($x::class) {
case Foo::class:
return $x->eg1();
case Bar::class:
case Baz::class:
return $x->eg2();
Psalm output (using commit 916fddb):
ERROR: InvalidReturnType - 18:29 - Not all code paths of f end in a return statement, return type bool expected
class Foo
function eg1(): bool { return false; }
class Bar
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
class Baz
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
function f(Foo|Bar|Baz $x): bool
return match ($x::class) {
Foo::class => $x->eg1(),
Bar::class, Baz::class => $x->eg2(),
Psalm output (using commit 916fddb):
ERROR: PossiblyUndefinedMethod - 22:39 - Method Foo::eg2 does not exist
INFO: MixedReturnStatement - 20:12 - Possibly-mixed return value
INFO: MixedReturnStatement - 20:12 - Could not infer a return type
INFO: MixedInferredReturnType - 18:29 - Could not verify return type 'bool' for f
Yeah, explaining to Psalm that mapping $x::class
values with specific literals will make $x
type change is possibly non-trivial, though it works with conditionals:
Could you create a new issue for that? It's not really related to PHP 8.1 if switch has the same issue
I found these snippets:
class Foo
function eg1(): bool { return false; }
class Bar
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
class Baz
function eg2(): bool { return false; }
function f(Foo|Bar|Baz $x): bool
if ($x::class === Foo::class) {
return $x->eg1();
Psalm output (using commit 916fddb):
ERROR: InvalidReturnType - 18:29 - Not all code paths of f end in a return statement, return type bool expected
Switch has a different issue. It understands the type, but doesn't understand the matching is complete.
This is pretty much done.