Ori Lahav
Ori Lahav
Is this the same bug report as [#15486](https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/15486)?
This bug is quite systematic, and open here for some months... Is there any way users can contribute to analyzing the source of this problem?
I installed it via opam
I tried some DMGs: 8.13.0 DMG works 8.13.1 DMG (last before Coq Platform) works 8.13.2 DMG (via Coq Platform): strange error msg: "Editing preferences failed (Not_found)" 8.14.1 DMG (via Coq...
The rf edges and rb edges in this drawing are all reversed. We do have "cob" from "Y.load false" to "Y.load true": - "Y.load false" reads from initialization which is...
+ one of the main points of our "SCfix" work was to make sure that an SC-fence between every two instructions would actually guarantee that there are no weak behaviors.