I think nobody tried SAM datagrams for a long time. Please describe a simple scenario.
I need a sequence of SAM messages. sam2, err := NewSAM(yoursam) tells me nothing what's inside.
i2pd doesn't support raw datagramms yet. There was no demand for it. I will try to implement.
Please try with https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/commit/cc451809cca87842a8431eafe8bee601fa0bb5a8 I haven't tried it yet
I will try to debug by myself first. Maybe I have missed something
try now. if still doesn't work try to find out if corresponding garlic even reaches server
It can do it by AES/ElGamal tags. If two datagram comes from the same origin they will use tags from the same set.
Yes, it understands this i2cp option regardless if it's SAM, BOB, I2PTunnel or I2CP. const char I2CP_PARAM_TAGS_TO_SEND[] = "crypto.tagsToSend";
It will slow down everything and excessive CPU usage.
If you don't send tags it means you have to encrypt every single message with ElGamal