Zhihao Cui
Zhihao Cui
Aug 12 - design review later today
Reopen - design discussion still on going
Aug 12 - Adding test, closing to get team review
Possible a11y review - label / announcement around nested (expand / collapse)
Some feedback from Shannon, what happens when needing to show lots of steps horizontally (when converting to vertical is not an option). Can something like [breadcrumb's menu](https://www.saltdesignsystem.com/salt/patterns/breadcrumbs#anatomy) be possible to...
Pushing the date, and shorten projection given a pattern
Source Graph search 205 instances
Looking at @dplsek and my capacity, we will likely start early Nov. @bhoppers2008 mentioned we should look at how much we can lift and shift from UITK chart
Waiting for a11y review
Aug 12 - blocked by button convo Aug 16 - still blocked