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Mega Menu Development
The navigation item should include the option of a mega-menu drop-down. Design produced in #3260.
### Checklist
- [ ] Density (HD, MD, LD, TD)
- [ ] Mode (Light, Dark)
- [ ] Fill (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
- [ ] State (Default, Hover, Selected/Active, Disabled, Read-only, Other)
- [ ] Controlled API
- [ ] UITK accessibility parity (screen reader + keyboard interactions)
### Deliverables
- [ ] Characteristics spec
- [ ] Interactions spec, where necessary
- [ ] In Code & Figma (Component + Guide)
- [ ] Supporting site documentation
requires Popper component (if we do not use Drawer). Identify which one we will build as an example.
Pushing the date, and shorten projection given a pattern
Design/a11y discussion/review required
Frappe Goal: jake to do a a11y review
By-product share his thoughts n the a11y processes
Mega Menu figma a11y review complete and comments have been added. Will review with Honey once she returns (9/23)
Discussed Figma comments with Honey
Frappe: Is this a priority for the next sprint, decide at EOS
@joshwooding indicated design feedback may impact other components, Honey to setup a call to review.
Galao Goal: call to decide MVP requirements in wk1 by EOS we should have a MVP accessibility spec
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