why there is curve type SLS from function " straight_left_straight(x, y, phi) ". I read the paper but this type doesn't exist. Does this code implement the algorithm completely? maybe...
if install C++ API, which openrobot pkg should be installed . because I see " /opt/openrobots/lib" is needed, after all there so many pkd on http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/robotpkg/robots/index.html
brtdp_example.py calls def run_sample_trial(self, verbose=True): in BoundedRTDPClass.py, while not state.is_terminal(): seems in a dead loop s: (1,1) Action: left Gap: 99.07540345871926 MaxDiff: 9.908648275251627 s: (1,1) Action: left Gap: 99.07540345871926 MaxDiff:...