> You need to expose the _ResetTotal_ characteristic (UUID 112) and initialise it to the current time minus the epoch: > > ``` > moment().unix() - moment('2001-01-01T00:00:00Z').unix() > ``` >...
Set E863F112 homekit_characteristic_t time_init = HOMEKIT_CHARACTERISTIC_(ResetTotal, 978307200); @ebaauw The historian does not leave me. Do I have to send anything beyond the reset? 
i'm sorry for my english.. i mean that using Eve i can't see any graphics o historical data in Eve energy section. Thanks a lots
Ok... but ho Eve get historical data from accessory? using same carateristics? or another? How Eve ask this data? Tnks, oremic
Hello There was a question. It would be really nice to have consumption, for sonoffs. Eve allows to have a series of information on consumption. I could test it if...
used Esp8266 problem compilation