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Results 858 ord issues
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The Essence of NFT on BTC is because currently btc does not have fungibility, and the smallest unit of btc, 1 satoshi, is marked as a specific serial number of...

Strongly suggest that ordinal-aware HD wallets use different derivation paths for *all* outputs, and to never mix ordinal-aware outputs and transactions with non-ordinal aware outputs and transactions. Perhaps even come...


gm. i created a few gen art inscriptions. they use some external creative coding libraries. the inscriptions are done. the data is on-chain. just that the ordinals explorer couldn't render...

There are a lot of options, `--cookie-file`, `--bitcoin-data-dir`, `--data-dir`, etc, that are annoying to have to repeatedly pass on the command line. It should be possible to set these in...

good first issue

Split just this feature out of #1512

Should display something better than just a blank iframe.

I saw this error in the logs repeatedly, and was curious what inscription it was.

Displaying a hash of content is a good way of seeing if something is a duplicate of another. It would be interesting to display the hash of the content on...