Paula Andrea Martinez
Paula Andrea Martinez
I think it sounds better with which: SciPy is an ecosystem for Python which provides the tools necessary for scientific computing.
Awesome, yes! use it!
@jsta this should work [guide]( maybe it needs a figure tag ? can you please add the citation from the description too. thanks!
there are also examples with R an docker in the description box
I came to the same problem today, is there any updates?
@RickPack @missaugustina @ledell I solved it doing this: 1 download json file of members per chapter 2. convert it to a csv 3. mutate the column group_profile.created `mutate(date_joined = lubridate::floor_date(as.POSIXct(...
Hi @jcolomb this question is too specific for me to answer. Where you posted it is the best place to get an answer. I'll just advice to add omero
I like your point, I will re-open this issue for anyone who would like to add comments to it. My two cents to this thread: 1. What I will do...
adding from the 10 FAIR for imaging: > Section 8 b. File formats - Most file formats are defined by the data producer (e.g. instrument or software), whenever possible you...
hi Victoria @vdda. If you send your suggestion it will be easier to agree with the authors what can be added. Looking forward to it!