ros_astra_camera copied to clipboard
Run astrapro.launch RGB Topic exit abnormally
I am using the Orbbec Astra Pro with Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic. When I run astrapro.launch I can see the depth image but cannot see the rgb image, the corresponding topic will exit abnormally error log:
roslaunch astra_camera astrapro.launch
[camera/camera_rgb-2] process has died [pid 39876, exit code -11, cmd /home/mailonghua/catkin_ws/devel
/lib/astra_camera/camera_node /camera/image_raw:=/camera/rgb/image_raw __name:=camera_rgb __log:=/home
log file: /home/mailonghua/.ros/log/562777f2-9d33-11eb-bb14-000c29699901/camera-camera_rgb-2*.log
I am having the same issue. Did you figure it out?
@mailonghua Changing the device ID to the following values fixed it for me. Lines 70 & 71
param name="vendor" value="0x6366"
param name="product" value="0x0c45"
The previous values related to the depth camera. I believe the values above reflect the rgb camera.