Hello, There is no signing cert in Wire SAML metadata file. Would it be possible for you to implement the signing of SAML authentication requests please?
Hello, Thanks for your exporter. Could you add the following 2 metrics to nextcloud_shares_total please? num_shares_mail num_shares_room https://github.com/nextcloud/serverinfo/blob/master/lib/ShareStatistics.php#L54 https://github.com/nextcloud/serverinfo/blob/master/lib/ShareStatistics.php#L55
Hello, I want to add a bot to my platform. The bot is hosted behind an https URL with a certificate generated by an internal CA. I cannot add the...
Hello, "Allow interaction with custom apps" description in the Teams admin center and in the docs.microsoft.com page is not clear, based on what we saw by testing the 2 values...