Optimus bits
Optimus bits
On iPhone 5 with 32 bits processor it is possible to make int overflow. The underlay seconds: ``` /// Repeat interval public enum Interval { case seconds(_: Double) internal var...
[Certificates.zip](https://github.com/TakeScoop/SwiftyRSA/files/2352933/Certificates.zip) I use SwiftyRSA 1.4.0 (via Podfile). I create keys from attached certificates like: ``` let privateKey = try PrivateKey(pemNamed: "priv") let publicKey = try PublicKey(pemNamed: "pub") ``` and I...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67316279/google-maps-ios-continous-spinner-for-navigation In my application user has possible to open Google Maps application with navigation mode to the stop. When user has enabled location permission in the system dialog, everything works...
We have installed SonarQube on centos x64. On the other machine is installed sonar client to run with iOS application projects. Each time, we run ./sonar-runner -X we got exception:...