Open Semantic Search
Open Semantic Search
Python based Open Source ETL tools for file crawling, document processing (text extraction, OCR), content analysis (Entity Extraction & Named Entity Recognition) & data enrichment (annotation) pipelin...
Open Source research tool to search, browse, analyze and explore large document collections by Semantic Search Engine and Open Source Text Mining & Text Analytics platform (Integrates ETL for document...
Open Source REST API for named entity extraction, named entity linking, named entity disambiguation, recommendation & reconciliation of entities like persons, organizations and places for (semi)automa...
Python/Django based webapps and web user interfaces for search, structure (meta data management like thesaurus, ontologies, annotations and named entities) and data import (ETL like text extraction, O...
Open Semantic Visual Linked Data Graph Explorer: Open Source tool (web app) and user interace (UI) for discovery, exploration and visualization of direct and indirect connections between named entitie...
Automatic tagging and analysis of documents in an Apache Solr index for faceted search by RDF(S) Ontologies & SKOS thesauri
Solr client and user interface for search
Solr Relevance Ranking Analysis and Visualization Tool