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Documentation for the OpenSAFELY platform
This is prompted by spotting the support for metadata tags in the Material for MkDocs changelog recently. I have reviewed all the Material for MkDocs documentation to see what features...
mkdocs-material has a means for adding a [user feedback]( widget. In the docs for mkdocs-material, someone responding "no" to the "Was this page helpful?" prompt at the bottom of a...
Certain study definitions can result in very large input datasets for analytical code (e.g. establishing baseline values for entire populations), especially when repeated cohort extractions are performed (e.g. monthly over...
Ideally, we want to avoid duplication between the OpenSAFELY documentation and individual repositories. This reduces extra work in maintaining the same content in multiple places. It would also means you...
Addition of information to clarify with who data released from Level 4 can be shared and to reinforce researchers must obtain publication (aka exit approval) for studies from NHS England...
Relates to #265 and brief discussion with Seb. Putting this here before I forget. Where does someone go next after the Getting Started guide — possibly the example study walkthrough?...
Things don't always work according to plan, e.g. GitHub Actions can fail, Gitpod might be down, people may miss steps out. Some kind of common errors and problem resolution might...
For updating codelists on To be added to codelist documentation
## Background Some terms used in an OpenSAFELY context may have overloaded meanings. For example: "job", "project", "workspace". It's important that readers understand the specific meaning of these terms: it...
We'll want to link new external users to some page in the documentation that walks them through all the things we require them to do before we kick off their...