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Bug report: Floating conversion from double to simple infinity sets a lot of ones in the mantissa

Open flaviens opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Hi there!

I've detected a bug in CVFPU.

Brief bug description

A conversion of +inf from double to simple sets a lot of bits in the mantissa, unexpectedly. I have found it through cva6.

Example instance

Here is an example RISC-V (rv64imfd) snippet:

  .section ".text.init","ax",@progbits
  .globl _start
  .align 2

  # Enable the FPU
  li t0, 0x2000
  csrs mstatus, t0
  csrw	fcsr,x0

  la t0, .fdata0
  fld ft0, (t0)

  fcvt.s.d ft1, ft0, rdn

  li t0, 0x18
  fsd ft1, (t0)

  sw x0, 0(x0)

  j infinite_loop

.section ".fdata0","ax",@progbits
  .8byte 0x7ff0000000000000

Expected and actual results

We expect ft1= 0xffffffff7f800000.. I verified this with Spike. However, CVA6 gives ft1= 0xffffffff7f7fffff..

Thanks! Flavien

flaviens avatar Mar 05 '23 11:03 flaviens