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0.1.2 roadmap
[ ] rename branch
[x] add get_requirements to setup.py, move install instructions to readme
[ ] change functions with camelCase → snake_case (note: seems many of these are from the pyx)
[x] remove random things (e.g. Untitled.ipynb)
[ ] finalize decision on ./cli/ (delete?)
[x] create ./polychrom/visualization/
- [x] migrate ./polychrom/pymol_show.py into this
- [x] move ./utilities/ into this and installpymol.sh
- [ ] longer term see below
[x] delete simulation.show(), delete & deprecate rasol-dependent code in general
[ ] legacy: clean up and rename into
namespace -
[ ] migrate 1D extrusion code out of library
- [ ] keep the milker, in new ./polychrom/scheduler.py that can update bonds. Try to remain agnostic to how bond is generated & generalize the function.
- [ ] Clarify that the scope of polychrom is doing polymer simulations, including those that can have non-equilibrium update rules (in readme/docs).
[ ] extend examples
- [ ] fix example.ipynb, currently breaks due to chain format (maybe default to CPU as well)
- [ ] new notebooks using the polymer_analyses functions
- [ ] extrusion 1D+3D example that relies on migrated extrusion scripts
- [ ] add yeast interphase model to examples
- [ ] replace storage_formats example with an ipynb that explains how to access & process saved data
[x] rename hdf5_format.py module to
- [ ] update examples etc to reflect this change (tests currently pass though)
[x] refactor polymerutils: rotation matrix joins polymer_analyses, everything else to storage.py
further future:
- [ ] discuss where to put ndarray_groupby_aggregate/streaming_ndarray_agg
- [ ] develop visualization for polychrom, potentially based off of nglutils
- [ ] extend scheduler to manage non-bonded forces
- should we remove simulation.show?
- should we consider deprecating rasmol generally?
- should the try statement be removed & _polymer_math be assumed to work in polymer_analyses? https://github.com/gfudenberg/polychrom/blob/bdbd0687227ed7cbbf2fa2c088a5aeb0289da194/polychrom/polymer_analyses.py#L46
Yes on removing simulation.show and deprecating rasmol.
No about the try statement so far: it is for sphynx & readthedocs. Sphynx doesn't compile the module and imports it "as is" - which is why polymer math isn't there. There probably is a more graceful solution for this... but dealing with Sphynx always feels like some hardcore archeology... and I'm not ready.