Oliver Pattison
Oliver Pattison
+1 I found that you can override jekyll-archives by creating an index.html file where one should be generated (to create an alternate form of that archive page). I think the...
That does sound like the right solution. That is what I will do, at least. Thanks.
@parkr I am glad to hear that. I will post recommendations here if I come across them, but I can't find any yet.
I finally got my development version of my site using jekyll-archives published on my website. I don’t think mine is a typical use case, but it is a fairly minimal...
You may not like the answer: the [Jekyll Archives gem](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-archives) is the best way to achieve this automatically (without manually creating pages and loops for each tag). As you may...
@CarterPape Thanks for the report. I’ll look into fixing it. I had been neglecting my site lately and hadn’t checked Issues. Thanks so much for the kind comments on your...
Not that I'm a fan of Disqus (in fact, I didn't have an account before I posted a reply on your blog yesterday), but in some important ways it is...
Yes – Jeremy Keith's idea is more of a hacky proof-of-concept that there are still innovative ideas in commenting, at least as I see it. I barely know how it...