Mathias Raacke

Results 6 issues of Mathias Raacke

When I configure "useCache: true", webpack does not emit Typescript declaration files: ``` Hash: 62c430379e1b16a959c9 Version: webpack 1.13.1 Time: 10251ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names ./app.js 4.76 kB 0 [emitted]...


steps to reproduce: build a simple Angular cli project that uses amcharts4, for exapmle the sample from node_modules\@amcharts\amcharts4\examples\angular\simple-line-chart The output contains 2 MB pdfmake.js and 1,2 MB xlsx.js, and main.js...


When I run kafka-gitops with -v, it outputs username and password in plain text: ``` kafka-gitops-grxt4 kafka-gitops 07:02:35.026 [main] INFO com.devshawn.kafka.gitops.config.KafkaGitopsConfigLoader - Kafka Config: {sasl.mechanism=PLAIN, required username="my-username" password="my-password";, bootstrap.servers=...,...

**What would you like to be added**: Support notifications in Microsoft Teams. **Why is this needed**: We don't use Slack :)

**What would you like to be added**: Stautsbay seems to only show helm charts that I installed after I installed Statusbay. It does not show any of the charts that...

**What would you like to be added**: Show the version of the chart in the applications list. **Why is this needed**: I usually know which charts are running in which...