Onur Sonmez

Results 4 issues of Onur Sonmez

### Description I installed the Falcon theme. 1 of my products has comments from more than one page. Paging is not working. I get the following error: ` Uncaught TypeError:...


### Description I got this error: root@server /var/www/site.com/web/themes/falcon/_dev # yarn dev yarn run v1.22.22 $ webpack serve --progress --mode=development --env devServer=true [webpack-dev-server] "hot: true" automatically applies HMR plugin, you don't...

waiting for author

**Describe the bug** I tried to import a product with the import feature in the src/import-from-other-platform.ts section at https://docs.vendure.io/guides/developer-guide/importing-data/, but the collectionIds and collectionSlugs columns in the search_index_item table are...

type: bug 🐛

I developed the Wishlist plugin located at https://docs.vendure.io/guides/developer-guide/plugins/. When I successively click on the Login, AddtoWishlist, GetWishlist, RemoveFromWishlist mutations from the http://localhost:3000/shop-api screen, Vendure Server crashes and I get the...

type: bug 🐛