I have the same problem when I install it by npm install -g callgraph (npm 2.15.11, node 4.4.7)
It works if I do this in the directory of the file I want to analyse : ``` npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-es2015 echo '{ "presets": ["es2015"] }' > .babelrc...
Hi @JunKK7 do you have more information about this ?
I read that you can't create data in pl function, so try to remove "CREATE (:person {name: 'Jack'});" from your code, maybe it could work.
``` MATCH (mc: mat_comp) MATCH (p:plant) MATCH (mb: material) WHERE mc.component = mb.material and mc.plant=p.b_plant WITH count(mc) as c WITH c, count(mb) as b return b,c ``` What's you get...
You probably have a great cartesian product which produces so much data that you create billions of edge.
You can export nodes and relationships in 2 tables. Export tables in a classical postgresql way, and recreate graph database from the two tables.
Exactly. A table for edge and one other for vertex, and in both tables you have a jsonb field where you put your data for each vertex or edge. If...
Looking at the code, it seems that if the app doesn't found a Cellular Or Wifi connection, the app believe there's no connection at all https://github.com/wireapp/wire-android/blob/544256023723bc54f1d1c109dca3a1c7bfbe1bbc/zmessaging/src/main/scala/com/waz/service/NetworkModeService.scala#L57 In the Android doc...
Hi @Gardosen Thank you very much to take this bug as important. Here's the hack I tried (but failed) to compile myself L57 ``` private def computeMode(capabilities: NetworkCapabilities): NetworkMode =...